MeBO Research is conducting a Gut Dysbiosis Study in relation to systemic body odor and halitosis, even though sufferers of any form of body odor and halitosis are also welcome to test, since currently all fees are paid by the person testing.
The 3rd tester's results have just been received and posted above.
About tester 3 : Tester 3 is a male in his early 30s, who feels he has a strong, slightly unusual odour in his armpits and groin area that he thinks is more fecal, although not totally sure. His groin / anal region has become the more prominent issue and these glands seem overactive. He feels anxiety levels affect his sweat glands, as heightened anxiety states increase his odour substantially. He has had this problem for 6 years and has not tested for trimethylaminuria. He has gut issues and feels he has food intolerances. Other health problems include a skin condition, allergies, chemical sensitivities and asthma. He feels fatigue, craves simple carbohydrates, and feels that probiotics help.
Results : The results of these tests showed positive for indicans, raised ethanol levels imply the presence of a mild yeast overgrowth, and an increased gut permeability at the larger range sized molecules (a condition termed as 'leaky gut'). His permeability result is interesting in that it starts borderline low for the smallest sized molecules and increases as it continually rises above the normal mark for the bigger sized molecules.
Remarks : It is interesting that tester 2 and 3 had raised ethanol levels, but tester 2 had raised D-lactate and negative indicans, whereas tester 3's D-lactate and indicans results were the opposite. Tester 1 did not have any obvious dysbiosis pattern from the tests in the study, and was the only one not to feel he had some sort of gut complaint.
About MeBO Research : MeBO Research is a sufferer-founded international campaign to research the causes, treatment, and cure of the various systemic body odor conditions. It is a non-profit, limited by guarantee Company registered in England aiming to become a charity with donations awarded by its members and volunteer fund raisers. Within only months of MeBO's inception, research was underway with the gracious contributions of volunteer testers, discounted testing rates, and pro-bono services by experts. Upon becoming a registered charity, MeBO Research will be in a better position to fund raise for large research grants and endowments in order to further its research efforts.
The MeBO-Biolab gut dysbiosis study is still open for anyone wishing to test. Biolab will now be accepting international applications for testing. Unfortunately, volunteers would need to pay his or own costs (a maximum of £146). It is aimed specifically at people with fecal/bowel smells body odor, but since the tester is paying, anyone with body odor or halitosis is welcome to test.
The form to test in MeBO-Biolab Gut Dysbiosis Study is here :
MeBO-Biolab gut dysbiosis in body odor or halitosis study form-REVISED