The tragedy about systemic body odors and halitosis is that even the medical and political system are mostly unaware the problem exists, and so it is unlikely any research will be forthcoming under the instructions of those fields of society. We will need to find ways of influencing the medical system and politics, such as lobbying (as well as organizing ourselves for any 'self-help' attempts, with MeBO Research being an example).
Fortunately there are some organizations with ties to the medical and political system that have both the financial backing and prestige to make change capable. One such organization would seem to be, which is holding a 'Partnership for cures' conference in New York on 1-3 December. This will bring about the meeting of researchers and medical foundations, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies,private investor and venture capitalist groups, and philanthropists; to arrange research and funding into deadly or debilatating diseases. is part of the Milken Institute, an economic thinktank which had the foresight to instigate such a needed service in the internet age.
So there may not be any discussion about trimethylaminuria, systemic body odors, or systemic halitosis at the conference this year, but at least we are now aware of the organization and are learning about the infrastructure of medical research.
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