Table of FMO3 variants provided by Dr John Cashman
Dr John Cashman kindly provided some of his research papers for us to view at the Washington meetup. We have chosen to look at the table of FMO3 variants in one of these papers.
As seen in Prof Elizabeth Shephard's slideshow, the FMO3 protein consists of 532 amino acids. Whilst building these amino acids, in theory it means there could be 532 points where mutations could occur that would affect the construction of the final FMO3 protein.
In this table, Dr Cashman has listed some of the common amino acid numbers where mutations occur. Some are severe mutations, other have less or no effect, although some can reduce activity if in combination with another (such as 158 - 258)
Notice that one change to amino acid 158 is about 40% common in ethnic groups.
2.5% have a combo of 158 - 308 which is said to be present in 2.5% of the population. However, this is only regarded as likely to cause a mild deficiency in FMO3 function if both the mutations are on the same chromosome (i.e. from the same parent) .
The paper also lists some drugs that commonly use FMO3 function and the affect a deficiency may have on them.
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