Looking back at the posts we have put up these past couple of months, I see how instrumental this blog has been in uniting our international community with other sufferers and with experts. It is evident with the announcements on this blog of the new Skype Group only 3 1/2 weeks ago organized by skunkhugsj now has 31 members. It was through this blog and MEBO's website that we were fortunate to establish a good working relationship with our very enthusiastic proactive three new MEBO UK Directors, who are very focused in furthering MEBO's Mission. Our most profound gratitude goes to everyone who was instrumental in this great venture of ours, and to all the members who have participated in any and all of our community activities.
Some sufferers pointed out in the Skype Group call yesterday that this blog and the MEBO Research website is displayed on the first page of a google search results for the keyword, "TMAU DIET." Consequently, I looked further, and found that this is indeed the case, and the same is true of many other keywords, depending on the country in which the search is performed. In the last three days alone, from 05JAN to 08JAN, some (not all - there were more) of the keywords that brought MEBO up on the first page were:
Here is an entertaining video that depicts how my own family's life has changed once we discovered the benefits of the TMAU odor-management protocol. My husband and older son went deep-sea fishing today, and caught a sailfish, a shark, tuna, and others. Now that's not the difference the protocol has made in our lives; the difference is that now all these fish were returned to the ocean and are alive and well eating other smaller fish. Only once or twice a year, my husband will bring a fish or two home, knowing full well what the consequences will be; but we go ahead and enjoy it, and work hard at our cleansing process afterwards. It works for us.
Enjoy everyone,
and thank you, thank you, thank you for your support!
María de la Torre
Founder and Executive Director
A Public Charity
MEBO's Blog (English)
El Blog de MEBO (español)
The MEBO Forum Please sign the MEBO Petition