- Where do I begin to find out what causes my odor/halitosis condition, and how can it be cured?
- Do I have
Primary TMAU (TMAU1)
In an effort to find answers to these questions, sufferers are usually recommended to do the following:
- Consult with your physician and/or dentist to rule out the already known causes of these symptoms.
- When your physician cannot find a cause, the TMAU Test is recommended. If you decide to do your TMAU Test, which MEBO Research makes available to sufferers around the world, your urine sample will be analyzed with a High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
- What would TMAU Test results performed by HPLC look like? See
of 64 patients who have done the TMAU Test with HPCL. Please note that the three columns, TMA, TMAO, and TMA/TMAO RATIO, have been individually sorted from highest to lowest results, and therefore, reading across a row would not represent the results of any one particular patient.
to obtain cost information of the test ($150) and shipping cost to/from your address. There would be no additional expense for your test experience after this initial payment - no additional fees or hidden costs.
How results are interpreted:
- TMAU1 can only be truly confirmed by FMO3 enzyme analysis (difficult because a liver biopsy would be needed) or DNA analysis.
- TMAU2 must be a diagnosis by exclusion.
- TMA-oxide can be used as a guide, but is not diagnostic for TMAU2.
- Therefore, if TMA is increased and TMA-oxide is normal and (as in many cases) FMO3 is not proven to be affected the diagnosis must be TMAU2 by exclusion.
- If TMA is normal and TMA-oxide is significantly high, suggest a re-test following a choline load.
MEBO is committed to pursuing research, especially exploratory research, the type of studies that are merely formative, for the purpose of gaining new insights, discovering new ideas, and increasing knowledge into the various causes of uncontrollable body and breath odor conditions.

Founder and Executive Director

A Public Charity
MEBO's Blog (English)
El Blog de MEBO (español)
MEBO Brasil - Blog (Portuguese)

Thank you for bringing TMAU testing to sufferers in countries where this test would never have been offered otherwise.
I'm confused. If TMAU can only be confirmed by DNA analysis why bother with the urine test?
TMAU can only be confirmed by DNA analysis, but it is a very expensive test. Most people, approximately 70%+ get a negative result for both, Primary and Secondary. So, that's 70%+ people who didn't have to spend so much money on TMAU Testing.
Has anyone ever looked into the possibility that even though you test negative the DNA analysis confirms that you do have TMAU?