As part of conference at the recent MEBO Research Miami Beach Meetup in June, Nigel Manning, Principal Clinical Scientist in the department of Metabolic Biochemistry at Sheffield Children's Hospital (i.e. the UK TMAU tester), kindly provided MEBO with the latest statistics on their urine (phenotype) triemthylaminuria testing program.
A bar graph and dot graph were kindly provided. A trend of note was the bar graph shows that TMAU testing requests increased significantly since 2006, and especially over the last 2 years (to nearly 600 requests per year).
Note : Each TMAu lab sets their own reference range. The Sheffield ref ranges using gas chromatography are :
TMA concentration normal : 2.5-10.9 umol/mmol creatinine
TMAO normal : 17-147 umol/mmol creatinine
TMA/TMAO ratio normal : 0.05-0.21 (% TMAO should be, according to diagram, >79%)
bar graph of Sheffield TMAU results 97-11 |
dot graph of Sheffield TMAU results 97-11 |
PDF : Sheffield UK TMAU results 1997-2011 as a bar graph
PDF : Sheffield UK TMAU results in a dot graph with reference range lines