Raise Awareness - Send an E-Letter TOMORROW |
Take action this Rare Disease Day
This Rare Disease Day, one of the most important things you can do is to urge your elected officials to support policies that will help individuals and families living with rare diseases.With a few easy steps you can make sure your voice is heard. Follow the link above or below, which will enable you to send a letter directly to your state and federal representatives.Click here to send an e-letter.
Thank you for your time and for your support.
Peter Saltanstall, NORD President and CEO
P.S. To learn more about NORD's state advocacy initiatives, or if you just have questions, please contact us atstateadvocacy@rarediseases.org
Rare Disease Day Events
Send An E-Letter
On February 28th, the rare disease community comes together on Rare Disease Day to celebrate the achievements we have made, while also recognizing the many challenges that we face. One of the most important things you can do is to make sure your elected officials know that:
• rare disease issues are important to you;
• individuals and families living with rare diseases must cope with significant challenges;
• you are an active participant in the political process.
Please enter your zipcode below to access a letter to send to your elected officials. If they ask
for the topic of your email, please choose "health" or "healthcare". Also, please edit the letter as you see fit in order to ensure your elected officials have heard your
In order to address your message to the appropriate recipient, we need to identify where you are.
Please look up and use your full nine-digit zip for the best results.
Please enter your zip/postal code here.
We respect your privacy. We will never share your information unless you request for us to do so.
- See more at: http://salsa.rarediseases.org/p/dia/action3/common/public/?action_KEY=15712#sthash.8RuuwusA.dpuf