Raising awareness of metabolic malodor :
Someone has written an article about BODY ODOR MEDICAL CONDITIONS for the Left-wing USA 'SOLIDARITY' magazine.
They say about getting the article accepted :
Hello, An article of mine raising awareness about body odor medical conditions was just published in the Webzine of Solidarity, a socialist, feminist, anti-racist organization. Here is the link:
In the article, I discuss the workplace discrimination and harassment that we face as persons with body odor conditions, and argue that left-wing movements which are already protesting and resisting the exploitation of workers should include us among the groups that they support.
I hope you will read the article and leave your thoughts and comments about it!
I am really grateful to Solidarity for accepting my article because as some of you who have tried to raise awareness have discovered, the issue of body odor medical conditions remains taboo, and publishers typically don't even respond to submissions about it.