A step closer to getting the right
The difference between Trimethylaminuria,
PATM, Other Malodor conditions and Olfactory Reference Syndrome
Finding out what the cause is can help sufferers take the right steps to get adequate diagnosis, treatment and support. However for people suffering with symptoms of body odor and social isolation, it can a very difficult and long road to find out what is causing their symptoms. Some people may have doubts, because they are not able to detect the symptoms themselves and are dependent on the reactions, social cues and comments of people around.
Families and friends might deny the symptoms because they are not able to detect the odors either. Sufferers are then judged to be mentally unstable and are not believed by their families. However, strangers and people on the street might comment on odors, coworkers might harass, complain or isolate the person who is suffering. All of this can lead to a lot of distress and an increase in frustration and isolation for the sufferer who is very aware that something is wrong but is left alone in his or her search for answers.
When sufferers consult a professional they are quickly labeled with having a mental illness such as Olfactory Reference Syndrome (ORS), Delusions or Depression. This
might inhibit sufferers of consulting a professional and this can also delay the process of taking the necessary steps.
In this article, we will discuss different malodor conditions, PATM and a couple of psychological conditions, such as ORS. The aim of this article is to illustrate the causes, similarities and differences of these different conditions and the importance of getting the right diagnosis, which can lead to an adequate treatment plan and alleviation of malodor symptoms, whether the nature is psychological or physical.
PART 1: Different physical malodor conditions, symptoms and diagnosis includes Primary and Secondary Trimethylaminuria (TMAU), Other Metabolic conditions, Bromhidrosis, Fecal Body odor, Halitosis, Diagnosis, Psychological impact.
PART 2: PATM, What is PATM and how is it diagnosed?
PART 3: Psychological malodor conditions, Olfactory Reference Syndrome (ORS), psychological effects of ORS, Phantosmia, Cacosmia and Hallucinations.
PART 4: How do you know if your condition is physical or psychological? Steps to take.
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I'm certain I speak for our whole international community when I thank Crissan for her volunteer work to our community with the countless hours she dedicates to writing papers such as this one for our benefit and well-being. Thank you, Crissan!

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Porque se rinden en la busqueda de ayuda porque no sienten compasión de nosotros. Vale la pena seguir viviendo así, la dieta significa dejar de comer todo,nunca jamás volver a salir a la sociedad escondernos como ratas. Me siento defraudada nos dejaron solos. Somos tan poco valiosos que no les importa si morimos por que no podemos mas con esta enfermedad que no deberia llamarse con el nombre que tiene si no enfermedad de la verguenza la tristeza o el odio que siente la gente por mi solo por llevar esta catastrofe de enfermedad sobre mis hombros. Yo soy un amor de persona despierto solo odio porqué me juzga por mi olor. No se hasta que día pueda mas con esta enfermedad