NCT03582826 - Ongoing not recruiting
Microbial Basis of Systemic Malodor and PATM Conditions (PATM)
United States 2018 - ongoing
Irene Gabashvili, PhD., MEBO Scientific Director and Principle Investigator of the study, wrote a post in her Aurametrix Blog, "The Delicate Balance, NCT03582826" about this finding in which she states:
Epulopiscium was found in only 5% of general population that tested with uBiome. But we see a much higher percentage of these bacteria in our samples, depending on the symptoms reported.
It could be as high as 50% in the sufferers experiencing the worst symptoms, decreasing as symptoms lessen...
Of course, this is not the only responsible microorganism for odors or PATM. We will be reporting more, along with what seem to help in reducing the levels.
We will also tell about bacteria "neutralizing" the odors, found in remission. Some of them are antiinflammatory, others help with digestion.
Irene Gabashvili, PhD., is our MEBO Scientific Director and Principal Investigator of the MEBO Gut Microbiome Study sponsored by a uBiome Grant.
For additional reading on the Epulopiscium fishelsoni, see article in the New York Times, March 18, 1993, Section D, Page 22, original in the British journal, Nature.
Pulverizing the genetic material from the bacteria, the researchers then multiplied the DNA into millions of copies through the use of a technique called polymerase chain reaction. They next compared the genes with those from many other known prokaryotes and eukaryotes and demonstrated that E. fishelsoni is a true bacterium, a member of the microbial family that includes the botulism pathogen.
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