TMAU urine test for consumers in UK
Regular readers may know SMART NUTRITION (based in Brighton UK) has been the easiest and cheapest way to access directly the UK TMAU Urine test done by Sheffield Children's Hospital (NHS).
This service via Smart Nutrition was started around 2010, at MEBO's instigation.
MEBO knew that Biolab (London) could access NHS tests, but they required an 'approved orderer' 3rd party to actually order the test, and suggested Smart Nutrition as the 3rd party, who kindly accepted. Before MEBO asked, Biolab was not aware of TMAU.
MEBO Donation £5
Due to a misunderstanding, the donations to MEBO were not paid. But when asked about it recently (thanks to a kind forum members instigation), Smart Nutrition contacted MEBO to say it had been forgot about, and immediately offered to rectify this with a donation of the estimated number of tests taken (about 112 est.). Thank you to Emma at Smart Nutrition for sorting it out.
Sheffield TMAU Urine test (the good and bad)
The Sheffield Test was started around 1997 by in-house biochemist Nigel Manning, using his own method. It was known worldwide as giving the most TMAU1 and TMAU2 diagnoses.
Nigel retired around 2015.
Around 2016 the machine broke and a new method was used for the new version of the test.
Since then the TMAU1s have halved and there are no TMAU2's.
The new method used is similar to that used at Denver.
Probably the majority (the 'mild's) will now be negative for TMAU, whereas in the past many would be positive.
An opinion is the test is not very fit for purpose, but it's all we have.
Political pressure on the lab, or preferably a new 'community-approved' test would seem appropriate.
'Buying the TMAU urine test'
If you want to buy the UK test, currently there are only 2 options (both ordering the Sheffield test).
1. Medichecks : £399 (no link given due to the price).
2. Smart Nutrition : £213 UK ... £233 Europe
So for now, MEBO is happy to endorse Smart Nutrition as the 'best' way to 'buy' the Sheffield TMAU urine test in the UK and Europe.
Ideally the community would have our own sourced test, which would cost maybe £100 (?), but the law, and 'finding a network' has been a barrier we have not been able to overcome.
So for now, for anyone in UK & Europe that does want to test, MEBO recommends :
MEBO has been talking to Emma recently, and it may be that other Biolab tests may be available (some are already on the Smart Nutrition site).
Biolab used to have a gold standard 'candida test', the ethanol blood test after a sugar load, but sadly do not do that test now.
Biolab has interesting tests but could be seen as perhaps 'indirect' tests (other than TMAU and 'leaky gut').
We will keep you updated