The main aim is to take the community to the next stage of creating positive changes for Malodour condition people.
Although it is UK based, it will help all Malodour people worldwide, as it's main aim is research.
Other pro-active help may include :
Developing relations with politicians to create political change.
Raising Awareness.
And much more.
Monthly Subscription Fund
It includes the option to join a £20 a month monthly subscription research fund.
( webpage here )
( more about the fund )
Early days & Pioneers
Due to the taboo of malodour conditions, not much impact has been made on research or awareness since 'TMAU' was first 'documented' in 1970.
It may take a while for MALODOUR RESEARCH UK to be a known trusted brand.
Readers of the 3 main forums should be aware of some of the history of it's founding, and a trusted respected forum member makes most of the announcements in the forums now.
So of course it will take a while to get things in context, but MEBO has high hopes and welcomes this new group (from what we know).