More details have been given.
All are welcome.
Any odour sufferer is welcome to attend. An email to confirm attendance would be much appreciated:
CONTENT OF MEETING As stated in my original message, one focus of this short meeting will be discussing the need for a more comprehensive, useful test. For this reason, it would be good to have lots of people whose TMAU tests came back negative attend the meeting.
Dr Shephard will also be talking about a potential project. As always, nobody wants to make people hopeful, only to have them let down by a failed bid for funding, but the potential project involves an application for funding with the Halley Stewart Trust for a social project regarding tmau/metabolic body odour.
The aim is to get the backing of this Trust to fund a social research project into the effects of living with TMAU. The Trust will fund a post for a research associate who will, professionally and ethically, conduct interviews (audio, via skype perhaps) with our community and carry out surveys. 20+ face to face interviews and 100+ written surveys are needed.
With this evidence of discrimination in the workplace and social inequality etc, the backing of Halley Stewart Trust, and support from UCL, Liz Shephard hopes to establish an All Party Parliamentary Group which can then effect change at government level regarding disability etc. Her UCL colleagues/advisors have said that our individual efforts to contact MPs will always have minimal impact and that backing from UCL and from a Trust like Halley Stewart will have more impact. Let's hope that once the government realise how much it costs to keep odour sufferers sick (via welfare benefits, counselling etc), they may then decide it's cheaper to cure us!!!
To read the previous update : click here