Tomorrow we will host an online webinar live from the body odor & halitosis meetup in Nashville at 11am Central Time. It is scheduled to last an hour. Come and join in with your webcam, or just to watch. You can watch it here if you want or join the event.
Thanks to everyone who attended. There was around 13 viewers at anytime. For your information about privacy in Vokle, no-one outside the room can see the chatroom. They seem to be enjoying themselves in Nashville, with about 17 present in the room, and are now going to dine out at Ellendales.
Hopefully webinars will become a part of our community communcication processes.
We are still investigating if we could possibly have webinars with FMO3/TMAU and body odor experts over April/May, although we are having difficulty finding a suitable webinar program, due to suitability and/or price. Some experts have kindly offered to give us pre-recorded video presentations on their work, and a powerpoint slideshow. Ideally we would also like to have webinars, but will need to find a way to overcome the obstacle of finding the right program at a reasonable price. Our initial feedback from the experts was extremely positive, but unfortunately we have stumbled on the webinar program technically.
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