Update 8

FedEx Country to Country rates for MEBO Research
Since we need the specimen to arrive frozen to the lab, FedEx has granted deeply discounted rated (45% discount of net rate) to MEBO Research off their International Priority Service (1 to 2 Business day shipping to/from the countries they have service to). This means that a kit could arrive to the lab in Eastern Canada from Hong Kong, for example in one to two business days for only $49.43 USD for one way shipping. According to the Canada Post online website, International Priority Worldwide Pak one way shipping alone would be $87.60 Canadian dollars (which at the current rate of exchange is almost equivalent to the US dollar).
To ship the kit from Honolulu to the lab in Eastern Canada (with one to two Business Days Service), the rate could be $23.65 one way. The only small variable in all cases would be a small fluctuation of fuel surcharge amount, the same as we experience in the gas pumps.

We faced many obstacles as MEBO Research and Eliapharma attempted to launch our International TMAU Test Program. There were permits to import Biological Agents (urine) into Canada and Certificates of Origin for each item in the kit, with special attention to importing/exporting a chemical, HCl, etc. I was diligently negotiating rates with FedEx and receiving a great deal of training on shipping to so many countries that we expected to ship to. Then when we were almost ready to begin shipping, the holidays came, FedEx and most major shipping carriers increased their net rates across the board, I became very ill for a long time, the snow storms paralyzed most of North America, and it took FedEx some time to manually upload the great Country to Country rates they offered us.
Initially shipping only within Canada
In an attempt to get things rolling, we began shipping only domestically within Canada. The first three (3) shipments were on December 22nd, and the following four (4) on January 18, 2011. It was very successful, since we didn’t have to be concerned with Customs documentation.

Then one glorious day, on February 1, 2011, the FedEx rates manual upload had been completed. As part of our International expansion efforts, we did our first 6 international shipments with a total of 9 samples on Wednesday of last week, February 2, 2011, to a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) country, the United States, with success clearing Customs.
This week, we have a shipment of 9 kits, which include 13 samples scheduled for FedEx pickup tomorrow to be shipped to the US, and we expect the same positive results. In total, we would have shipped 19 kits with 32 samples to Canada and the United States.
I will now be sending and invoice with the new rates to the remaining people on the waitlist, without any obligation, that might have received a shipping rates quote before the deeply discounted rates were uploaded. Please keep in mind that the fuel surcharges fluctuate and that the rates are always subject to change until purchased.

Thanks to all the participants who have patiently supported our efforts.

MEBO International TMAU Testing Program,
please fill out the following,
MEBO-Eliapharma TMAU Test Requisition/Survey Form

President and Executive Director
MEBO Research