TMAU Webinar March 2017.
Speaker : Professor George Preti, Monell Chemical Senses Center.
Subject : Latest Overview of TMAU.
Hosted by : Marta at
This is the 2nd part of a joint webinar (Guo - Preti).
The Dr Guo part had technical problems and is being worked on by rareconnect staff.
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If I head him right during the Q&A he said there won't be any cure or treatment in this lifetime so what's the point living and raising awareness?
that's Prof Preti's trademark quote (20 years or more). Therapy/Cure-wise, he is very 'conservative' (putting it politely).
For a start, the microbe-drugging OTC pill is aimed at reducing TMA. This is the product Cleveland /P&G will market for heart disease. But we don't know when.
This is just 1 example of a realistic therapy.