"Causes of Variabaility in TMA Odor Intensity"
by Yiran Guo, PhD.
George Preti, PhD.
This is the 2nd part (George Preti, PhD) of a joint webinar by Yiran Guo, PhD, and George Preti, PhD, of Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia", sponsored by RareConnect. In this webinar, they discuss the latest overview of TMAU, including the finding of the results of their genetic study on TMAU, "Genetic analysis of impaired trimethylamine metabolism using whole exome sequencing."
This study indicates that 3 genes, PYROXD2, CP, and TXNDC2, in addition to the commonly known FMO3 gene contribute to Primary TMAU. This study was funded with $26,000 raised by sufferers of TMAU. These results suggest that there is still much more to be researched to discover all the genetic mutation, and their interactions with each other, that can contribute to Primary TMAU symptoms.
The first part of this webinar by Dr. Yiran Guo had technical problems and is being worked on by the RareConnect staff.
We thank Marta Campabadal with Eurordis / RareConnect for providing the platform for this webinar to take place.