Last week we told you about
FLUXOVAS, a natural supplement intended to (presumably) block TMAO formation in the gut (hopefully a TMA-blocker too).
The patented ingredient is TAURISOLO
Taurisolo in their words (from 2019 paper)
Taurisolo® is a grape pomace polyphenolic extract microencapsulated with maltodextrins, obtained from Aglianico cultivar grape.
MEBO knows only a bit more about more it.
MEBO does not have an opinion on FLUXOVAS (as we just heard of it).
Makers : Its a food supplement and nutriceutical lab at The Uni of Naples, Italy.
Fluxovas has been on sale about a year.
Buying outside Italy
They suggested this seller might help overseas buyers to buy.
(the price looks way cheaper than the efarma price).
Currently there seems to be no known sellers outside Italy.
Farmacia Gruppio say they do ship worldwide
The Naples Uni lab are discussing TMAU etc currently.
If we hear of anything we will let you know.
Effect of Grape Pomace Polyphenols With or Without Pectin on TMAO Serum Levels Assessed by LC/MS-Based Assay: A Preliminary Clinical Study on Overweight/Obese Subjects ...
... In conclusion, we demonstrated the efficacy of a novel nutraceutical formulation in reducing TMAO serum levels in high cardiovascular risk-subjects, and proposed a useful, versatile and rapid LC/MS method for identification and quantization of TMAO, without the use of marked/isotopic internal standards. It, thus, may represent a novel and practical method with applications in clinical practice and nutraceutical research.
I have been taking this supplement since April ... I have tmau 1 and it is helpful, but it does NOT cure. For it to take effect, it must be taken for 2 months. It does not work with the rest of H2S, CYS, TMAO etc
do you need to take it lifetime or just 2 months ? does it only reduce or if you continue taking it their is a possibility that you will be cured... is it safe for a pregnant woman?
"In a previous study, we demonstrated the TMAO-reducing effect of Taurisolo® in young healthy subjects, proposing a potential mechanism of action for the effect of polyphenols in reducing TMAO levels, based on the ability of polyphenols to donate electrons to TMAO, which act as an electron acceptor, resulting in reducing TMAO to TMA"
Seems like this will do little for tmau considering tma is our problem. I ordered 3 boxes just to test it.