May 17th through 19th 2013
The conference part of our meetup in Memphis will be held at the Memphis Embassy Suites Presidential Suite on Saturday, on May 18th following This year’s conference will include the presentations noted below, and a great deal of time will be employed to group discussion on the material presented this year as well as of the three previous MEBO Annual Conferences listed below. Please review some of the vast amount of information given out during these conferences, and formulate your questions and comments to enhance our group discussion. Attendees of the conference are encouraged to bring literature and/or products for body odor and halitosis.
1. Trimethylaminuria:
a. Presentation by Maria de la Torre, MEBO Founder and Director, of the MEBO TMAU Test Results (Handouts on test results stats and TMAU odor-management protocol)
b. Group discussion focused on following topics:
i. “Do I really have TMAU?”
ii. Is the TMAU odor-management protocol right for me?
iii. UK Medical Research Council Award for TMAU
a. Oral Halitosis (oral malodor, oral and tongue odor)
b. Breath Halitosis (comes from blood gases)
3. Bromhidrosis/Hyperhidrosis:
a. Powerpoint presentation on Bromhidrosis, by MEBO’s Public Relations Director, Glenna Gonzalez, MBA
4. Sneak preview of the film, “The Boy Who Smells Like Fish”:
Our gratitude goes out to the Director, Analeine Cal y Mayor and the producers of Rhombus Media for allowing us to watch this movie at our conference.
5. Other references for group discussion,
a. Powerpoint Presentation, “Pharmacogenetics & Personalized Medicine.” Elizabeth Shephard, PhD, Professor of Molecular Biology, Vice Dean Education, Biosciences, Institute of Structural and Molecular Biology, Division of Biosciences,Darwin Building, UCL Genetics Institute, University College London, MEBO Research Scientific Advisor, Member of the MEBO Institutional Review Board. c. Presentation by Irene Gabashvili, PhD, Founder of Aurametrix, MEBO Research Scientific Director, Member of the MEBO Institutional Review Board. d. Presentation, “Seeking Employment,” by Cheryl Fields, MEBO US Community Outreach Director, Member of the MEBO Institutional Review Board f. Statistic Report provided by Nigel Manning, Principal Clinical Scientist, Department Clinical Chemistry, Sheffield Children's Hospital, MEBO Research Scientific Advisor
Discussion of Nigel Manning’s paper written for this conference, and discussion of other papers.
María de la Torre
Founder and Executive Director
A Public Charity
MEBO's Blog (English)
El Blog de MEBO (español)
MEBO Brasil - Blog (Portuguese)
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Food service, hospitality, bar tender, waitstaff, hostess, health care, cruise ships, day care centers, the list goes on...buisness owners will lose money and customers if their establishment smells bad...some people have a mild odor level and fuction fine...some have severe odor levels that are much more life crippling...we are not all buisness oriented we can't all get bachelors and masters is important to keep in mind that, and i speak from experience, as I learn how to decrease my odor levels all apects of life including
employment are easier to obtain...we need to remeber some people have body odors way more extreme than yours ay be, so getting back up may not be as easy for them.......some suffers are lucky to have mild odors, some suffers have extremly over powering odors.......
I wish you would join us at the meetup. This meetup will have more group discussion than the previous ones, and we hope to have input from everyone present. There is a wealth of information in the 1,266 posts of the English MEBO Blog and 209 posts of the Spanish one, and in the webinars, powerpoint presentations and handouts experts have done specifically to benefit our community. We need to discuss this information, and see how it applies to the wide diversity of causes and symptoms of each persons halitosis and body odor. I have a feeling that the group discussions are going to be very interesting indeed. Hope you can attend!