"Simply Delicious: A low Choline Recipe Book."
by Sonya McClinton
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I am proud to Introduce the "Simply Delicious: A Low Choline Recipe Book" created by our long-time and very dear friend, Sonya McClinton, who is a Trimethylaminuria sufferer. Sonya is a mom and wife who has a passion for cooking. After being diagnosed with TMAU in 2013, she began to search for a low choline recipe books. When Sonya discovered no such books exists, she decided to write her own in order to help others with this condition. It is the first and only low choline cookbook in the market. This is a much needed, must-have book for all TMAU sufferers who must live on a low choline diet to control TMAU symptoms.
"Simply Delicious: A Low Choline Recipe Book" is an e-book for Kindle; however, it can still be read in PCs, smartphone or tablet with the free Kindle reading app. No Kindle device is required. Note : in order to make sure MEBO get commission on a purchase, we would be grateful if after downloading the app you then return here to go through one of our Amazon links to buy the book.
Thanks, Sonya for contributing such valuable information to our community. In effect, you will be changing people's lives in a very special way - we can now enjoy the food we eat!
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Amazon USA full link : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GIKLR6M/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00GIKLR6M&linkCode=as2&tag=mri1a20-20
Amazon UK full link : http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00GIKLR6M/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1634&creative=19450&creativeASIN=B00GIKLR6M&linkCode=as2&tag=mere0d-21
Amazon UK shortened link : http://goo.gl/mH2ZyN
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Related link: What to eat on a low choline diet
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María de la Torre
Founder and Executive Director
A Public Charity
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I am 61 yrs old & not technologically current on regularly reading material on "apps" & "kindles". Why not just put out a good old fashioned BOOK on the subject of TMAU and remedy diet? If there's an author out there writing this book, plz let me know how I can buy it from u!!!!
A relative of mine suffers from TMAU and I have been looking for this book online for the past few days. However, both the Amazon US and Amazon UK links no longer work and the book cant be found on both sites. I really would like to buy this book, can anyone please help?
It's not known why the book is no longer available on Amazon. The author said about a month ago she is looking for another site to sell it from.